venerdì 12 ottobre 2018

Manifesto per i diritti sessuali e riproduttivi in favore di tutte le donne in Europa

My body, my rights! Manifesto of 343 European women for sexual and reproductive rights for all women in Europe

We, 343 European women, stand for a Europe of women’s rights and self-determination. We pay tribute to the 343 women who published a manifesto in France in Le Nouvel Observateur in 1971 calling for women’s sexual and reproductive rights by demanding legal abortions.
We do the same today, because Europe experiences a backlash on women’s rights: Achievements on sexual and reproductive rights since the 1970s are under threat again. We thus call upon all European governments and the European Commission to establish and guarantee conditions that protect and advance women’s rights and self-determination.
Despite recent achievements, such as the abolishment of the abortion ban in Ireland, the right for women to choose is threatened across Europe. The Polish government is making repeated attempts to restrict the already limited possibilities for Polish women to terminate a pregnancy. In Malta, abortions are illegal. In Italy, many professionals simply refuse to perform them. These are but a few examples of the backlash on women’s rights, and we remain alert to this attack on women’s self-determination and the attempt to re-establish authoritarian values in the European Union.
The right to self-determination is far from equal across Europe: Some women are allowed to abort legally and in safety thanks to the rights progressively obtained since the 1970s. Others, especially if they cannot travel abroad to get an abortion, are forced to undergo illegal treatment under dangerous conditions, risking their health and lives. This inequality is unacceptable, as is the silence surrounding the denial of fundamental rights to women within the European Union.
Today, as we honour the ‘Manifesto of the 343’, which called for the right to abortion in France in 1971, we demand the same rights for all women in Europe. If we do not act now and commonly defend our rights and values, regressive legislation could take us back to times when the first manifesto was drafted. But we refuse to leave the ground to reactionary forces, to whom the renunciation of women’s socio-economic rights is a simple way out in a time of complex globalization.
European integration has brought peace, improved living conditions for a large number of citizens, and the extension of democracy and the rule of law. We believe that now is the time to step up for equal rights for all women. Women in Europe must have the same fundamental sexual and reproductive rights, the right to choose, as well as access to health services, contraception and abortion without a conscience clause.
To that end, we call on the EU Member States and the European Commission to provide the political and financial means to ensure women’s access to safe and legal abortions in Europe and beyond, and to strongly condemn regressive and repressive discourses, laws and policies that restrict women’s rights to self-determination.

The 343 signatories:
Selma Acuner, Women’s Coalition Turkey, Turquie
Gesine Agena, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Allemagne
Esohe Aghatise, Associazione IROKO Onlus
Kat Aitken, Royaume-Uni
Marine Al Dahdah, CNRS, France
Francesca Allen, Royaume-Uni
Gill Allwood, Nottingham Trent University, Royaume-Uni
Jenny Andersson, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Maria Arena, Parlement européen, Belgique
María Palomares Arenas Cabral, Calala Women’s Fund, Espagne
Helena Argerich, Greens/EFA au Parlement européen, Belgique
Estefanía Arias, PODEMOS FUENLABRADA, Espagne
Fatima Arranz, UCM
Laura Arroyo, Podemos, Espagne
Sybil Ashton, Royaume-Uni
Berivan Aslan, Austrian Green Party, Autriche
Asociación de Clínicas Acreditadas para la IVE, Espagne
Michelle Auzanneau, Paris Descartes, France
Ivana Bacik, Labour Party
Annelise Badinand, Allemagne
Marina Barbalata, Roumanie
Polly Barklem, London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign, Royaume-Uni
Anne Barre, WECF, Allemagne
Rita Barros, APF – Associação para o Planeamento da Família, Portugal
Sarah Bedson, European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development, Belgique
Ana Maria Bejar, IPPF, Royaume-Uni
Amparo Bella, Podemos Aragon, Espagne
Natalie Bennett, Green Party of England and Wales (former leader), Royaume-Uni
Fatima Benomar, Les effronté-es, France
Marge Berer, International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion, Royaume-Uni
Clara Berglund, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Hélène Bidard, Adjointe à la maire de Paris, co-responsable nationale féminisme et droits des femmes du PCF, France
Sophie Binet, CGT, France
Lara Blas, Podemos 
Christina Boateng, International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion, Royaume-Uni
Maria Bondarenko, European Network of Migrant Women, Allemagne
Hannah Bondi, European Network of Migrant Women, Royaume-Uni
Rada Borić, New Left Party, Croatie
Aline Bory, France
Maria Ludovica Bottarelli Tranquilli-Leali, Italian Coordination of The European Women’s Lobby, Italie
Anaïs Bourdet, Paye ta shnek, France
Beatrice Brignone, Possibile, Italie
Carmen Brunner, Allemagne
Antonella Buja, City of Modena, Italie
Theodora Cadbury, Xenia, Royaume-Uni
Sharon Cameron, FIAPAC, Royaume-Uni
Anaïs Camus, Ecolo, Belgique
Elisabetta Canitano, Vita di Donna, Italie
Philomena Canning, Midwives for Choice, Irlande
Hanna Carlsson, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Mara Carvalho, APF, Portugal
Rute Castela, PpDM, Portugal
Cristina Castillo, Podemos, Espagne
Malcy Cathelineau, Les Jeunes Ecologistes, France
Fanny Cavalli, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Siobhán Cawley, Social Democrats, Irlande
Roz Chan, Royaume-Uni
Mara Clarke, Abortion Support Network, Royaume-Uni
Bethan Cobley, Marie Stopes International
Filomena Coelho, Portugal
Teresa Coelho, Portugal
Marina Cognée, EPF, Belgique
Laurence Cohen, Parti Communiste Français 
Amy Colgan, DCU Feminist Society, Irlande
Cristina Cominacini, Le Fate Onlus, Italie
Maria Constantinou, Chypre
Francesca Cook, Royaume-Uni
Marije Cornelissen, UN Women the Netherlands, Pays-Bas
Mónica Costa, Portugal
Rita Cunha, Portugal
Madeline Da Silva, Le Groupe F, France
Sodfa Daaji, Afrika Youth Movement, Italie
Ros Davies, Royaume-Uni
Anne de Bethencourt, Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental, France
Maëlle De Brouwer, Selflovegang, Belgique
Caroline De Haas, France
Magda De Meyer, Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad, Belgique
Marta De Santos, Podemos, Espagne
Petra De Sutter, Groen, Belgique
Maria Del vigo, Podemos, Espagne
Marine DENIS, Sciences Po, France
Iza Desperak, Manifa Łódź, Pologne
Alex Deval, Europe Écologie – Les Verts, France
Tina Divic, Croatie
Anna Donati, Green Italia, Italie
Anna Doyle, South Wicklow Together for Yes, Irlande
Regine Drewniak, Allemagne
Sónia Duarte Lopes, APF, Portugal
Fanny Dubot, Europe Écologie – Les Verts, France
Sarah Dunne, Labour Youth Ireland, Irlande
Tamara Duricic, Croatie
Mareike Engels, GRÜNE Bürgerschaftsfraktion Hamburg, Allemagne
Arana Eukene, Podemos Euskadi, Espagne
Francesca Falchi, Belgique
Lucia Farinati, PWB, Royaume-Uni
Rayah Feldman, Maternity Action 
Ana Sofia Fernandes, Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, Portugal
Rosa Maria Fernandez, Plataforma catalana de Suport al Lobby europeu de dones, Espagne
Susana Fernández García, Red Ecofeminista, Espagne
Michèle Ferrand, CNRS, France
Catherine FERRIERE, Le clos bleu B&B, France
Suzana Fish, Andorre
Veronica Forwood, NuJ, Royaume-Uni
Claudia Fousert-Poeder, FemNet Groenlinks, Pays-Bas
Monica Frassoni, European Green Party, Belgique
Ann Furedi, British Pregnancy Advisory Service, Royaume-Uni
Paloma G. Villa, Podemos, Espagne
Tine Gammeltoft, University of Copenhagen, Danemark
Mar Garcia, European Green Party, Espagne
Concepción García Altares, Podemos, Espagne
Dina Garzón Pacheco, Red Ecofeminista, Espagne
Bojana Genov, Women’s Network Croatia 
Esther Gombin, France
Serafin Gonzalez Motos, Personal, Royaume-Uni
Tania González Peñas, Parlement européen, Espagne
Catherine Gourbin, University of louvain, Belgique
Catríona Graham, European Women’s Lobby, Irlande
Maria Blanca Grimal, Podemos, Espagne
Luciana Grosu, Women Deliver Alumni, Roumanie
Malpuri Groth, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Agnes Guillaume, IRD, France
Iris Gundacker, Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres, Portugal
Lova Gustafson, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Bahar Haghani, the greens, Allemagne
Sadia Hameed, Critical Sisters, Royaume-Uni
Kristina Hänel, Abortion clinic, Allemagne
Line Hansen, Kvinderådet, Danemark
Sabine Harlos, Frauenraum – fachberatungs- und Interventionsstelle bei häuslicher, Allemagne
Sara Hassan, Greens Austria/ period brussels, Belgique
Afërdita Haxhijaha Imeri, Macedonian Women Lobby, Macédoine
Sirpa Hertell, Green Women´s Association, Finlande
Maria Heubuch, Parlement européen, Allemagne
Sophia Hoffmann, Allemagne
Lesley Hoggart, The Open University, Royaume-Uni
Goretti Horgan, Alliance for Choice, Derry, Irlande
Tanja Ignjatovic, Autonomous Women’s Center, Serbie
Efthymia Ioannidou, Greek Coordination for the EWL, Grèce
Laura J. Bolé, European Alliance to Save Energy, Espagne
Elżbieta Jachlewska, Inicjatywa Feministyczna, Pologne
Ina Jacobi, Grüne, Allemagne
Carmen Jaffke, Apbcee, Luxembourg
Izabela Janicka, Green Party, Pologne
AnnaStina Johansson, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Nicola Jones, Royaume-Uni
Emmanuelle Josse, Collectif pour une Parentalité féministe (PA.F), France
María Dolores Julià, Espagne
Krystyna Kacpura, Federation for Women and Family Planning, Pologne
Katarzyna Kadziela, Inicjatywa Feministyczna, Pologne
Karin Kahlbrandt, Grüne KV Göttingen, Allemagne
ELENI Karaoli, Socialist’s Womens Movement, Chypre
Sissi Karnehm-Wolf, Green Party Göttingen, Allemagne
Ninetta Kazantzis, PCCPWC, Chypre
Ska Keller, députée européenne, Greens, Allemagne
Evelyn Kleinert, Allemagne
Aleksandra Knapik, Gals 4 Gals Lodz / Green Party, Pologne
Julia Knoenagel, LAG Frauenpolitik, Grüne Bremen, Allemagne
Aleksandra Kołeczek, Polish Greens, Pologne
Sybren Kooistra, Greens, Belgique
Ioanna Korfiati, Xenia Women, Royaume-Uni
Nada Kovre, Croatie
Karolina (Carol P.) Krist (Christ), Green Party Greece, Grèce
Mirjana Kucer, Women’s network of croatia, Croatie
Elin Kusmin, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Laura Laguna, Red Ecofeminista, 
Aurore lalucq, Generations, France
Jean Lambert, Députée européenne, Royaume-Uni
Catherine Lane, National Women’s Council of Ireland, 
Ricarda Lang, GRÜNE JUGEND, Allemagne
Daniela Lanzotti, Italie
Ophélie Latil, Georgette Sand, France
Valentina Laurita Longo, Queen margaret university, Royaume-Uni
Jocelyne Le Boulicaut, Europe Ecologie Les Verts, France
Loraine Leeson, The cSPACE Trust, Royaume-Uni
Lea Lejeune, France
Erica Levy, Royaume-Uni
Ljubica Lipanovic, Croatie
Marianna Lipponen, Belgique
Maria Jesús Lleonart, Espagne
Mette Løkeland, KVINNEFRONTEN, Norvège
Pilar López-Jamar Lázaro, Podemos Feminismos, Espagne
Slobodanka Macanovic, Autonomous Women’s Center, Serbie
Ina Machold, Allemagne
Hamarina Macuanja, Portugal
Laura Malan, Laura Malan, Royaume-Uni
Sara Malić, Croatie
Nica Mammì, IROKO, Italie
Chloe Manahan, Labour Youth 
Joanna Manganara, International Alliance of Women, Grèce
Pascale Maquestiau, Le Monde selon les femmes, Belgique
Marina Marchetti, Belgique
Rosy Martin, Royaume-Uni
Rosa Martinez, Equo Berdeak, Espagne
Amelia Martinez Lobo, ANTICAPITALISTAS, 
Adriana Martins, Suède
Ana Sofia Martins, APF – Associação para o Planeamento da Família, 
Daria Marx, Gras Politique, France
Filipa Mateus, APF – Associação para o Planeamento da Família, Portugal
Cláudia Mateus, Portugal
Sigi Maurer, Austrian Green Party, 
Joanna Maycock, European Women’s Lobby, Belgique
Salome Mbugua, AkiDwA 
Amanda Merchant, Royaume-Uni
Irene Meyer-Herbst, Bündnis 90 die Grünen, Allemagne
Maria Miguel Sierra, La Voix des Femmes, 
Maja Mihaljevic, Croatie
Belen Milán Pérez, Podemos Cantabria, Espagne
Ana Miranda, députée européenne, BNC, 
Mima Misljenovic, Autonomous women’s center, Serbie
Mirjana Mitic, Autonomous women’s center, Serbie
Pineda lorenzo montserrat, creación positiva, Espagne
Maja Morachanin, DOM, Macédoine
Veronique Moreira, WECF France, France
Elisa FRancesca Moretti, DEVCO EC, Belgique
Pauline Mukanza, European Women’s Lobby, Suède
Irmgard Münch-Weinmann, , Allemagne
Sinja Münzberg, Grüne Region Hannover, Allemagne
Rossella MURONI, Italie
Danijela Mustać, Croatie
Johanna Nejedlová, Konset, République Tchèque
Aleksandra Nestorov, Autonomous Women’s Centre, Serbie
Violeta Neubauer, Women’s Lobby of Slovenia, Slovénie
Teresa Nevado Bueno, Lobby Europeo de Mujeres en España, Espagne
Leah Ní Riabhaigh, SDLP, Irlande
Patricia Nilsson, Royaume-Uni
Maria Noichl, députée européenne, Allemagne
Sinead Nolan, Irish Council for Civil Liberties, Irlande
Barbara Nowacka, Inicjatywa Polska, Pologne
Natalia Ochoa Gómez, Espagne
Camila Ochoa Mendoza, YouAct, Suède
Annika Ojala, Finnish Green Women’s Association, Finlande
Bärbel Okatz, VHS Göttingen Osterode, Allemagne
Verónica Ordóñez López, Podemos Cantabria, Espagne
Jacqui O’Riordan, University College Cork, Irlande
Paula Ortiz, Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres \| PpDM, Portugal
Andrea Osvoll, EPF, Belgique
Pamela Palma Zapata, European Network of migrant Women, Pologne
Lefki Panteli, Cyprus Women’s Lobby, Chypre
Angela Paradiso, European Green Party, Belgique
Lujana Paraman, Građanska akcija Trogir, Croatie
Josefine Paul, Grüne Landtagsfraktion NRW, Allemagne
Astrid Peter, Allemagne
Iwona Piątek, Inicjatywa Feministyczna, Pologne
Nicole Pibarot, France
Alexandra Pichl, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, Allemagne
Emmanuelle Pierre-Marie, élue, France
Montserrat Pineda Lorenzo, Creación Positiva, Espagne
Sara Pönniäinen, Swedish Women’s Lobby, Suède
Jeanne Ponte, Parlement européen, Belgique
Liljana Popovska, Green Party DOM, Macédoine
Dolorès Pourette, IRD, France
Anny Poursinoff, Europe Écologie – Les Verts, France
Marta Prades, Podemos, Espagne
Cécile Prudhomme, Europe Écologie – Les Verts, France
Milla Pyykkönen, The Feminist Association Unioni, Finlande
Paula Quinteiro, En Marea, Espagne
Petra Qvist-Hämäläinen, The Women’s Organisation of the Swedish People’s Party in Finland, Finlande
Elise Ramirez, International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion, Royaume-Uni
Alicia Ramos Jordan, Congress, Espagne
Julia Reda, Parlement européen, Belgique
Sandra Regol, Europe Écologie – Les Verts, France
Terry Reintke, députée européenne, Greens/EFA, Allemagne
Liliana Religa, Federation for women and Family Planning, Pologne
Christine Revault d’Allonnes-Bonnefoy, députée européenne, France
Maria Ribeiro, Portugal
Emma Ritch, Engender 
Claudia Rodrigues, Associação para o Planeamento da Familia, Portugal
Verónica Rodrigues, Portugal
Rosabel Rodríguez, Plataforma portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres, Portugal
Barbara Romagnan, Génération.s, France
Núria Romero, Dones amb Iniciativa, Espagne
Isabel Ros Lopez, Royaume-Uni
Tiina Rosberg, Green Women´s Association, Finlande
Laurence Rossignol, Sénatrice, France
Claudia Roth, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Allemagne
Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, Green Party, Member of the Parliament Thuringia, Allemagne
Rianne Ruviaro, Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos da Mulher, Portugal
Hélène Ryckmans, Parlement, Belgique
Caroline Saal, Vert Ardent, Belgique
Teresa Saez Barrao Saez Barrao, Andrea, Espagne
Réka Sáfrány, Hungarian Women’s Lobby, Hongrie
Laure Salmona, Collectif Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement, France
Mafalda Santos, Portugal
Erika Sanz Méliz Sanz, Podemos, Espagne
Judith Sargentini, Greens/EFA au Parlement européen, Pays-Bas
Wendy Savage, Royaume-Uni
Jamila Schäfer, Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, 
Ulle Schauws MdB, BÜNDNIS 90/Die Grünen, Allemagne
Molly Scott Cato, Parlement européen, Royaume-Uni
Karmela Šegvić, Croatie
Véronique SEHIER, Le Planning Familial, France
Astrid Selle, Grüne Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Allemagne
Réjane Sénac, France
Anna Sherbany, Royaume-Uni
Alexandra Silva, Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres (Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights), Portugal
Laura Slimani, Génération.s, France
Roisin Smith, Midwives for Choice, Irlande
Manuela Smolinski, European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development, 
Ailbhe Smyth, Coalition to Repeal the 8th Amendment, Irlande
Charlotte Soulary, France
Beatriz Sousa, Portugal
Viktoria Spielmann, Alternative, Green and Independent Group of Trade Unionists, Autriche
Hana Stelzerová, Czech Women´s Lobby, République Tchèque
Miloslawa Stepien, Partia Zieloni, Pologne
Lisa Stewart, Xenia, Royaume-Uni
Marie Stuart, Mjwstuart 
Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart, Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, Pologne
Margaret Sully
Viviane Teitelbaum, Parlement, Belgique
Margarida Teixeira, Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, Portugal
Mathilde Tessier, Europe-Ecologie les Verts, France
Ruby Till, Associazione Iroko Onlus, Italie
Zeljka Tkalcec, Allemagne
Baroness Jenny Tonge, UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health, Royaume-Uni
Marie Toussaint, France
Maria Antonia Trillo, PODEMOS GALICIA, Espagne
Alba Ubieto Oliván, Espagne
Christiane Ugbor, Austrian Women Ring, Autriche
Simona Urbaityte, Belgique
Deborah Valencia, Melissa Network of Migrant Women in Greece, Grèce
Ana Valenzuela Valenzuela, SIEMPRE vzw, Belgique
Dorotea Valjak, , Croatie
Kukkamariia Valtola Sjöberg, Gender equality and diversity committé of Miljöpartiet, Suède
Rebekka van Roemburg, SheDecides, Pays-Bas
Monika Vana, Parlement européen, Autriche
Concha Vazquez, Forum de Política Feminista de Madrid, Espagne
Jeroni Vergeer, FemNet, GroenLinks, Pays-Bas
Marie Pierre Vieu, Députée européenne PCF GUE, France
Rozière Virignie, Eurodéputée Les Radicaux de Gauche, France
Helene Wallemacq, ECOLO, Belgique
Julie Ward, European Parliament, Royaume-Uni
Monica Weissel, Femmes survivantes, Belgique
Mariel Whelan 
Mechtild Wigger, Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, Allemagne
Grace Wilentz, Irlande
Julia Woller, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Allemagne
Amelia Womack, Green Party of England and Wales, Royaume-Uni
Pam Wortley, Dwca, Royaume-Uni
Sinem Yilmaz, European Network of Migrant Women, Belgique
Silvia Zamboni, Italie
Magda Zenon, HAD, Chypre
Anna Zobnina, European Network of Migrant Women (ENOMW)
Emili Zubovic, Croatie
Sarah Zürcher, Suisse