Per le giovani che volessero avere un'esperienza femminista in Europa La Lobby Europea delle Donne vi da l'opportunità di partecipare ad AGORA' 2017:
The call for applications for AGORA 2017, EWL’s feminist summer school, is out! It would be wonderful if you could spread the word and share this with your own networks. Here is the webpage with all the information and link to the application form: http://www.womenlobby.org/AGORA-2017-applications-are-OPEN. This year, we are reserving 10 places for candidates who are affiliated and supported by one of EWL’s members. Applicants will have to provide information about this in their applications (including a name and contact details for the supporting EWL member organisation).
Si può mandare la domanda fino al 9 maggio 2017.