The principle of non-discrimination is firmly established in European Union (EU) legislation and includes provisions relating to access to justice. This report examines the process of seeking redress in cases of discrimination. It provides a detailed analysis of what the EU Member State bodies that deal with cases of discrimination do to support possible victims of discrimination and to offer them redress. It examines the factors obstructing effective remedies, such as the complexity of the complaints system, which discourage people from bringing cases and reinforce victims’ feelings of helplessness.
Il Coordinamento Italiano della Lobby Europea delle Donne/LEF Italia rappresenta l'Italia nel Consiglio di Amministrazione della European Women's Lobby, la più grande coalizione europea di organizzazioni femminili e femministe. La LEF Italia contribuisce, con la EWL, a migliorare le politiche di parità di genere in Europa ed in Italia. E' membro fondatore della EWL.